Diviner RDR Query Page

Lunar ODE offers a DIVINER RDR query tool that allows users to query the RDRs and select a subset based on location and other parameters. See "About Data Databases".

The newer ODE DIVINER RDR query tool V2.0 supports larger queries. It will email results to users after query completion.

DIVINER RDR products are sets of data "frames" containing the following:

  • 16 sets of science data, with each set containing 192 sixteen-bit science measurements from the focal plane interface electronics obtained over integration periods of 0.128 seconds

  • A single set of instrument engineering and housekeeping measurements (or “engineering data”) acquired during the 2.048 second interval

The RDR data tables are produced directly from the EDR data tables using Diviner software, geometry, and ephemeris data provided by the LRO project.

The RDR products are by organized by observation time into half-hour period files. The DIVINER RDR query tool allows users to select RDR data from the products by area. In addition, users may limit the results with additional query parameters. The tool returns data in a variety of forms including an ASCII table identical in structure and fields as the standard DIVINER RDR products.

The DIVINER RDR Query Tool has five steps. First, a latitude/longitude range must be specified. A small range is recommended due to the quantity of data points. Second, the desired channels used to collect the instrument data must be selected. Third, additional filtering parameters such as PDS Product ID, orbit number, observation UTC time, observation local time of day, detectors, observation angles, and observation quality flags can be specified. Forth, the result count must be previewed before generating any output files. If the data point count is less than or equal to 6 million points, you can proceed to generate and download the desired result files. The fifth step is to generate your query results as ASCII files, ESRI Shapefiles, or Binned images. These files can be downloaded individually or in compressed format from the page.

Step 1. Select Data Point Latitude/ Longitude Range (Required)

Use this feature to filter your product data points based on their planetocentric latitude / longitude coordinates. The planetocentric coordinate system is a right-handed system with the origin at the center of mass of the Moon. The latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and a vector connecting a point on the surface and the origin of the coordinate system. Latitudes are positive in the northern hemisphere and negative in the southern hemisphere. Longitude increases to the east. The Range can be previewed by clicking the "Show Area On Map" button.

Latitude/Longitude range may be entered in two ways: via a feature; or directly enter a range. One can select a location via USGS named features. Select the feature type, then the feature name. This will set the latitude / longitude coverage area. The other option is to directly enter a maximum latitude, a minimum latitude, an westernmost longitude and an easternmost longitude in the boxes provided.

A note of feature usage: some features are point features. If used as is, only those RDR points lying directly on the feature will be found – a rather unlikely case. Users may want to adjust the lat/lon range in the “directory specific a latitude and longitude coverage area” range by padding the area around the point feature.

Step 2. Select Channels (Required)

The DIVINER instrument uses 9 channels to acquire data. Users should review the DIVINER RDR SIS for channel specifications. You may limit the channels of output data.

Step 3. Set Additional Filtering Parameters (Optional)

This section of the search form contains optional fields for filtering by the PDS Product ID or Partial PDS Product ID, specific orbit number or an orbit number range, specific UTC observation time or range, specific local time of day or time of day range, detector filtering, observation angle filtering, and filtering by observation quality flags.

Step 3 A. Select a Product ID or filter by a partial Product ID (Optional)

This section allows you to select an individual data product via its Product ID or, more commonly, select only those data products who’s ids match a wildcard string. Example: entering “2009” will only return LOLA RDR points from that specific product. Entering “200907*” will return LOLA RDR points from products with Product ID’s of that pattern.

Step 3 B. Filter by Orbital Number (Optional)

This section allows you to filter the returned data by the spacecraft orbit numbers. The minimum and maximum orbits available to be queried are displayed in the section. An individual orbit can be selected by only populating the minimum orbit field or entering the same value in both min and max orbit fields. Otherwise, the range limitations are used when both minimum and maximum values are entered.

Step 3 C. Filter by UTC Time (Optional)

Each LOLA RDR point has an observation UTC time. Enter a single UTC time, partial UTC time, or a UTC time range to filter the search results by the observation time. The maximum and minimum UTC range of the data is listed for reference.

Step 3 D. Filter by Local Time of Day (Optional)

Each DIVINER RDR data point has a local time of day measured as hours past midnight. Use this section’s minimum and maximum fields to limit query results to a specific time of day.

Step 3 E. Filter by Detector (Optional)

Each DIVINER channel has 21 detectors. All detectors will be selected by default, but you may limit the search to 1 or more detectors. At least 1 detector must be selected to receive search results.

Step 3 F. Filter by Emission, Solar Incidence, and Solar Azimuth Angles (Optional)

Each DIVINER RDR record describes the observation emission angle, solar incidence angle, and solar azimuth angle. The emission angle is defined as the angle between the vector from the surface field of view (FOV) center to Diviner and a “normal” vector drawn perpendicular to the Moon’s surface. It is undefined if off planet and uses ellipsoidal moon approximation as described in the DIVINER RDR SIS Section 2.4.3. It ranges from 0 to 90.00000 degrees.

The solar incidence angle is defined as the angle between the vector from the surface FOV center to the Sun and a "normal" vector drawn perpendicular to the Moon's surface. It is undefined when off planet except during solar calibrations when it is defined as the angle between the vector to the Sun and the normal vector of the solar calibration target. It uses ellipsoidal moon approximation as described in DIVINER RDR SIS Section 2.4.3 and ranges from 0 to 180.00000 degrees.

The Solar Azimuth angle is defined as 0 degrees when aligned with the solar vector and measured counter-clockwise when looking down at the planet. It is undefined when off planet except during solar calibrations when it is defined as the angle between the projection of the vector to the sun onto the solar calibration target plane and the X-axis of the solar calibration target reference system (STS) . The X-axis direction of the STS is roughly parallel to the outward edge of the solar calibration target panel. It uses ellipsoidal moon approximation as described in DIVINER RDR SIS Section 2.4.3. It ranges 0 to 360.00000 degree.

Step 3 G. Filter by Quality Flags (Optional)

Each DIVINER RDR record has a set of “quality flags” – a calibration, a geometry, and a miscellaneous flag. Each flag ranges from 0 (best quality) to 255. See the DIVINER RDR SIS for more information.

Step 4. Preview Results Count

There can be millions of points in the DIVINER RDR point database. This required step will display the number of data points that match the entered search criteria. If the data point count is less than or equal to 6 million points, you can proceed to generate and download the desired result files.

Also note, that any change to the search criteria will clear the results and require a re-query of the results count.

If the count is over 6 million points, the buttons to generate result files will be disabled and a message indicating that the point count is too large will be displayed. You can contact ode@wunder.wustl.edu for large volume special requests.

Step 5. Request Results

After successfully previewing the result count, there are four choices of formats for the search result output. The results may be saved in a ASCII text, Shapefile format, or as a Binned Image. See below for full descriptions of each format. To create the files of the desired format, simply click the “Generate Files” button for the format. It may take a few minutes for the files to be created. A message will be displayed that indicates the files are being created. After the result files have been created, you can download the files individually or grouped as a zip, tar, or tar.gz file.

The ASCII tables are identical in structure and fields as the standard DIVINER RDR products. Please see the RDR SIS for information.

The Binned Image is a cylindrical projected map where the left edge is the westernmost longitude queried, the right edge is the easternmost longitude, the top edge is the maximum latitude queried and the bottom edge is the minimum latitude queried. Each pixel has the image resolution of a by b in which a represents the longitude range divided by the width in pixels, and b represents the latitude range divided by the height in pixels. Each pixel is generated by averaging the attitude of each RDR radiance or calibrated brightness that lies in its range (note: a better pixel value calculation would be block median but average is for performance – users desiring block median should download the points in an CSV table and directly process into an image). The binned images include several additional formats – see the included README file.

The Shapefile output contains the queried RDR points in a point Shapefile suitable for use in GIS tools such as ESRI’s ArcGIS or JMars. The Shapefile consists of four or five individual files which should all be downloaded and placed together in the same directory.